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공지사항 & 병원소식 누구에게 진료를 받는지 중요! 2024-07-02

오광준 대표원장 이력 

주요 전공분야

1.    인공관절, 관절경, 관절 재건수술 등 약 7천례 수술 경력

2.    중증 외상 및 복합 골절 및 외상    3천례 수술 경력

관절염 및 관절 재건 수술 관절 교정수술 및 인공 관절 수술 (엉덩이 관절/ 무릎 관절)

무릎 관절- 연골재생 치료 (연골 세포 및 줄기 세포 치료)

고관절 및 무릎의 관절경 수술 (스포츠 손상 및 인대 재건술)

골다공증 치료 및 골반 및 비구 골절, 노인성 고관절 골절 등 하지 복잡 골절


학력 및 경력 사항

1987년 서울 반포 고등학교 졸업

1987~ 1993년 고려대학교 의과대학 졸업

1994 ~ 1997년 인천광역시 을왕 보건지소장, 경기도 용인 구성 보건지소장

1997~ 2001 고려대학교 병원 정형외과 전공의 수료 (수석 전공의)

2001년 고려대학교 의과 대학원 의학 석사 취득

2003년 고려대학교 의과 대학원 의학 박사 취득

2002년 독일 뒤셀도르프 부속 루카스 병원 외상학 연수 (노인성 골절 및 골반 비구 복잡 골절)

2001~ 2003년 고려대학교 부속 병원 임상 교수

2003~ 2004년 미국 스탠퍼드 의과대학 병원 정형외과 연수 (인공관절 고관절, 무릎 관절)

2004~ 2017년 서울 건국대학교 병원 정형외과 정년 보장 교수 (인공관절 및 복잡 골절 담당)


국가 보훈처 비상근 심의 위원

공무원 연금관리공단 비상근 심의 위원

) 근로복지공단 산재 위원회 비상근 심의 위원


학회 활동

국내학술대회 초청 강연 포함 논문 발표 100여편

국제학술대회 초청 강연 포함 논문 발표 40여편

국제학술지 발간 - 40여편

국내학술지 발간 - 20여편

대한 고관절 학회 교과서/ 대한 골절학회 교과서/ 대한 슬관절 학회 교과서 등 집필진


대한정형외과학회 편집위원, 보험위원

대한고관절 학회 편집위원, 학술위원

대한 슬관절학회 교과서 편찬위원, 편집위원

대한 골절학회 논문 심사 위원, 편집위원, 및 보험위원

대한 골다공증학회 고관절 골절 위원, 연수위원장, 및 평의원

대한 컴퓨터 수술학회 이사

대한 운동계줄기세포 재생의학회 창립 총무이사 및  ) 평의원

국제 골유합 연구재단 외상분야 (AO foundation, AO trauma Korea) 한국지회 교육의사

-       국제 골유합 연구재단 (스위스) 외상 교육 프로그램 전체 과정 수료

미국 정형외과학회 국제회원

아시아태평양 인공관절 학회 회원




수상 경력

2011년 세계 3대 인명사전 동시 등재 (국제 인명센터, 미국 인명 정보기관, 마퀴스 후즈후)


2018년 대한 고관절학회 최우수 논문 구연상

2018년 국제 골유합 연구재단 방문 교수상 (visiting expert scholarship)

2014년 대한 고관절학회 최우수 기초 연구 논문상

2014년 대한 슬관절학회 우수 편집위원상

2013년 대한 골절학회 우수 논문 심사 위원상

2011  건국대학교 의과대학 병원 연구 우수 교수 (최다 논문상)

2005년  세계 스포츠 의학회 및 유럽 스포츠 의학회 펠로우쉽 수상

2005년 세계 정형외과학회 우수 포스터 논문 상

2004년 미국 전기진단학회 학회장 독창적 연구상

2004년 국제 근골격계 레이저 학회 우수 논문상

2001년 국제 골유합 연구재단 펠로우쉽 수상

2000년  대한 정형외과학회 학술상




국제 학술지 주요 논문 (해외 논문만,  2000 년 이후만,)


Intra-articular Injection of Type I Atelocollagen to Alleviate Knee Pain: A Double-Blind, Randomized Controlled Trial.

Lee HS, Oh KJ, Moon YW, In Y, Lee HJ, Kwon SY.  Cartilage. 2021 Dec;13(1_suppl):342S-350S.


Dual mobility articulation total hip arthroplasty for displaced neck fracture in elderly with neuromuscular disorder.

Ryu HG, Roh YJ, Oh KJ, Hwang JH, Kim Y, Cho HW, Kim SM.Injury. 2021 Jun;52(6):1480-1486.



Which one is more affected by navigation-assisted cup positioning in total hip arthroplasty: Anteversion or inclination? A retrospective matched-pair cohort study in Asian physique.

Oh KJ, Kim BK, Jo MI, Ahn BM.

J Orthop Surg (Hong Kong). 2018 May-Aug;26(2):2309499018780755. doi: 10.1177/2309499018780755.

Difference in the degree of improvement in patient-reported outcomes after total knee arthroplasty between octogenarians and sexagenarians: a propensity score matching analysis.

Yun ST, Kim BK, Ahn BM, Oh KJ.

Aging Clin Exp Res. 2018 Feb 22. doi: 10.1007/s40520-018-0913-1. [Epub ahead of print]

Knee Surg Relat Res. 2018 Apr 30. doi: 10.5792/ksrr.17.064. [Epub ahead of print]

The Learning Curve for Biplane Medial Open Wedge High Tibial Osteotomy in 100 Consecutive Cases Assessed Using the Cumulative Summation Method.

Lee DK1Kim KK1Ham CU1Yun ST2Kim BK3Oh KJ3.

Periprosthetic femoral fracture as cause of early revision after short stem hip arthroplasty-a multicentric analysis.

Kim SM, Han SB, Rhyu KH, Yoo JJ, Oh KJ, Yoo JH, Lee KJ, Lim SJ.

Int Orthop. 2018 Apr 12. doi: 10.1007/s00264-018-3930-y. [Epub ahead of print]

Dislocations after use of dual-mobility cups in cementless primary total hip arthroplasty: prospective multicentre series.

Hwang JH, Kim SM, Oh KJ, Kim Y.

Int Orthop. 2018 Apr;42(4):761-767. doi: 10.1007/s00264-017-3660-6. Epub 2017 Oct 7.




Safety and efficacy of bi-annual intra-articular LBSA0103 injections in patients with knee osteoarthritis.

Lee JK, Choi CH, Oh KJ, Kyung HS, Yoo JH, Ha CW, Bin SI, Kang SB, Kim MK, Lee JH, Lee MC.

Rheumatol Int. 2017 Nov;37(11):1807-1815. doi: 10.1007/s00296-017-3803-5. Epub 2017 Aug 22.


The Leukocyte Esterase Strip Test has Practical Value for Diagnosing Periprosthetic Joint Infection After Total Knee Arthroplasty: A Multicenter Study.

Koh IJ, Han SB, In Y, Oh KJ, Lee DH, Kim TK; Knee Multicenter Collaboration Team.

J Arthroplasty. 2017 Nov;32(11):3519-3523. doi: 10.1016/j.arth.2017.06.008. Epub 2017 Jun 12.


Efficacy and safety of single injection of cross-linked sodium hyaluronate vs. three injections of high molecular weight sodium hyaluronate for osteoarthritis of the knee: a double-blind, randomized, multi-center, non-inferiority study.

Ha CW, Park YB, Choi CH, Kyung HS, Lee JH, Yoo JD, Yoo JH, Choi CH, Kim CW, Kim HC, Oh KJ, Bin SI, Lee MC.

BMC Musculoskelet Disord. 2017 May 26;18(1):223. doi: 10.1186/s12891-017-1591-4.


Surgical outcome of intramedullary nailing in patients with complete atypical femoral fracture: A multicenter retrospective study.

Lee KJ, Yoo JJ, Oh KJ, Yoo JH, Rhyu KH, Nam KW, Suh DH.

Injury. 2017 Apr;48(4):941-945. doi: 10.1016/j.injury.2017.02.036. Epub 2017 Mar 1.


Open-wedge high tibial osteotomy versus unicompartmental knee arthroplasty: no difference in progression of patellofemoral joint arthritis.

Oh KJ, Kim YC, Lee JS, Chang YS, Shetty GM, Nha KW.

Knee Surg Sports Traumatol Arthrosc. 2017 Mar;25(3):767-772. doi: 10.1007/s00167-017-4450-9. Epub 2017 Feb 20.


Surgical treatment of severe osteoporosis including new concept of advanced severe osteoporosis.

Kim JH, Park YS, Oh KJ, Choi HS.Osteoporos Sarcopenia. 2017 Dec;3(4):164-169. doi: 10.1016/j.afos.2017.11.006. Epub 2017 Dec 18.PMID: 30775525  Review.




Computer navigation is effective in reducing blood loss but has no effect on transfusion requirement following primary total knee arthroplasty: a meta-analysis.

Han SB, Kim HJ, Kim TK, In Y, Oh KJ, Koh IJ, Lee DH.

Knee Surg Sports Traumatol Arthrosc. 2016 Nov;24(11):3474-3481. Epub 2016 Feb 27.


Comparison of osteoconductivity and absorbability of beta-tricalcium phosphate and hydroxyapatite in clinical scenario of opening wedge high tibial osteotomy.

Oh KJ, Ko YB, Jaiswal S, Whang IC.

J Mater Sci Mater Med. 2016 Dec;27(12):179. Epub 2016 Oct 18.


Analysis of Knee Joint Line Obliquity after High Tibial Osteotomy.

Oh KJ, Ko YB, Bae JH, Yoon ST, Kim JG.

J Knee Surg. 2016 Nov;29(8):649-657. Epub 2016 Feb 2.


Total Limb Rotation after Unilateral Total Knee Arthroplasty: Side-to-Side Discrepancy.

Oh KJ, Yoon ST, Ko YB.

J Knee Surg. 2016 Aug;29(6):516-21. doi: 10.1055/s-0035-1566733. Epub 2015 Nov 16.




Outcome of Unicompartmental Knee Arthroplasty: A Systematic Review of Comparative Studies between Fixed and Mobile Bearings Focusing on Complications.

Ko YB, Gujarathi MR, Oh KJ.

Knee Surg Relat Res. 2015 Sep;27(3):141-8. doi: 10.5792/ksrr.2015.27.3.141. Epub 2015 Sep 1. Review.


Current status of second-look arthroscopy after meniscal allograft transplantation: review of the literature.

Oh KJ, Sobti AS, Yoon JR, Ko YB.

Arch Orthop Trauma Surg. 2015 Oct;135(10):1411-8. doi: 10.1007/s00402-015-2274-y. Epub 2015 Jul 5. Review.



Discrepancies of Patellofemoral Indices between Supine and Standing Merchant View. KimTH, Lee JS, Oh KJ, Knee Surg Relat Res. 2014 Mar;26(1):20-6


Arthroscopic Treatment of Delayed Patella Infera Jung-Ro Yoon, M.D., Ph.D.,

Kwang-Jun Oh, M.D., Ph.D., Hyo-Seong Seo, M.D., and Jae-Hyuk Yang, M.D., Ph.D J Korean Orthop Assoc 2014; 49: 239-243


Quantification of soft tissue balance in total knee arthroplasty using finite element analysis.

Oh KJ, Park WM, Kim K, Kim YH. Comput Methods Biomech Biomed Engin. 2014; 17(14):1630-4


The effects of weight-bearing conditions on patellofemoral indices in individuals without and with patellofemoral pain syndrome. Kim TH, Sobti A, Lee SH, Lee JS, Oh KJ, skeletal Radiol. 2014 Feb:43(2):157-64


Effect of lipopolysaccharide (LPD) on mouse model of steroid-induced avascular necrosis in the femoral head (ANFH). Ryoo S, Lee S, Lee S, Kwak A, Kim E, Lee J, Hong J, Jhun H, Lee Y, Sobti AS, Kim S, Oh KJ. J Microbiol Biotechnol. 2014 Mar 28;24(3):394-400


The weight-bearing scanogram technique provides better coronal limb alignment than the navigation technique in open high tibial osteotomy. Lee DH, Han SB,

Oh KJ, Lee JS, Kwon JH, Kim JI, Patnaik S, Shetty GM, Nha KW. Knee. 2014 Mar;21(2): 451-5 


Bilateral condyle fracture of tibial insert in mobile bearing total knee arthroplasty.

Yoon JR, Jeong HI, Oh KJ, Yang JH. Knee. 2014 Jan; 21(1):318-21 19.





Intrapelvic Anterior Plate Fixation for Crescent Fracture-Dislocation of Sacroiliac Joint Kwang-Jun Oh, Jin-Ho Choi J Korean Fracture Soc, 6, 26 : 184 - 190, 2013


Usefulness of a Modular Hip System for Combined Anteversion in Cementless Total Hip Arthroplasty Kwang-Jun Oh, Jun-Gyu Lee  Hip Pelvis 25(1): 30-36, 2013


Contribution of posterolateral corner structures to knee joint translational and rotational stabilities: A computational study. Kim YH, Purevsuren T, Kim K, Oh KJ. Proc Inst Mech Eng H. 2013 Sep;227(9):968-75.


In Vivo Gap Analysis in Various Knee Flexion Angles During Navigation-Assisted Total Knee Arthroplasty. Yoon JR, Jeong HI, Oh KJ, Yang JH. J Arthroplasty. 2013 Dec;28(10):1796-800


Versatile application of short stem during total hip arthroplasty.

Oh KJ, Yang JH. Eur J Orthop Surg Traumatol. 2013 Nov 23 Suppl 2:S229-32


Total knee arthroplasty in a pseudoachonx-droplastic dwarfism patient with bilateral patellar dislocation. Oh KJ, Yoon JR, Yang JH. Knee. 2013 Jan;20(1):45-8.



The Effect of Biplane Medial Opening Wedge High Tibial Osteotomy on Patellofemoral Joint Indices

Jae Hyuk Yang, MD, PhD., Suk-Ha Lee, MD, PhD, Kuldeep Singh Nathawat, MD. , Seung-Hyub Jeon, MD., Kwang-Jun Oh, MD, PhD. The Knee 2013 Mar;20(2):128-32 


Endoscopic treatment of calcific tendinitis of the rectus femoris in a patient with intractable pain

Jae-Hyuk Yang, Kwang-Jun Oh J Orthopaedic Sci 2013 Nov; 18(6): 1046-9


Effect of Combined Sex Hormone Replacement on Bone/Cartilage Turnover in a Murine Model of Osteoarthritis, Yang JH, JH Kim, Oh KJ.  Clin Ortho Surg 2012 Sep; 4(3):234-41  


Recombinant Fc-IL-18BPc Isoform Inhibits IL-18-Induced Cytokine Production. Hong K, Oh K, Lee S, Hong J, Choi J, Kwak A, Kang D, Kim E, Jo S, Jhun H, Kim S. Hybridoma (Larchmt). 2012 Apr;31(2):99-104.


Surgical Fixation of Sacroiliac Joint Complex in Unstable Pelvic Ring Injuries

Kwang-Jun Oh, MD, Seok-Min Hwang, MD Hip Pelvis 24(2): 139-147, 2012


Computed tomography assessment of image-free navigation-assisted cup placement in THA in an Asian population. Kim TH, Lee SH, Yang JH, Oh KJ. Orthopedics. 2012 Oct;35(10 Suppl):13-7.


Prospective, randomized study between Insall-Burstein II and NexGen legacy with a minimum 9-year follow-up. Oh KJ, Goodman SB, Yang JH. J Arthroplasty. 2011 Dec;26(8):1232-8.

Measurement of the Weight-bearing Standing Coronal and Sagittal Axial Alignment of Lower Extremity in Young Korean Adults Seoung-Joon Lee, M.D., Ph.D., Ho-Joon Lee, M.D., Jin-Il Kim, M.D., and Kwang-Jun Oh, M.D., Ph.D. J Korean Orthop Assoc 2011; 46: 191-199

Hydroxyapatite crystal deposition causing rapidly destructive arthropathy of the hip joint. Yang JH, Oh KJ, Pandher DS. Indian J Orthop. 2011 Nov;45(6):569-72.

Short-term Results of Posterior Cruciate Sacrificing and Substitution Total Knee Arthroplasty Jin-Il Kim, M.D., Kwang-Jun Oh, M.D., Ph.D. Seung-Hyub Jeon, M.D. and Hyuk-Woo Choi, M.D.J Korean Knee Soc, Vol. 23, No. 2, June 2011


Architectural Changes in Subchondral Bone and Its Compliance in Response to Estrogen and Progesterone: A Micro-Computed Tomography Study, Jae-Hyuk Yang, Dae-Gon Woo, Vineet Tyagi, and Kwang-Jun Oh, Tissue Engineering and Regenerative Medicine, Vol. 8, No. 4, pp 380-389 (2011)



Clinical and radiologic outcomes of contemporary 3 techniques of TKA. Yang JH, Yoon JR, Pandher DS, Oh KJ. Orthopedics. 2010 Oct;33(10 Suppl):76-81.

Extracorporeal shock wave therapy for calcific tendinitis at unusual sites around the hip. Oh KJ, Yoon JR, Shin DS, Yang JH. Orthopedics. 2010 Oct 11;33(10):769.

Imageless navigation assisted total knee arthroplasty with comprehensive gap balancing in medial osteoarthritic varus knees with anatomic variations. Tyagi V, Kim TH, Hwang JH, Oh KJ. Comput Aided Surg. 2010;15(4-6):90-7.

Percutaneous screw fixation of acetabular fractures: applicability of hip arthroscopy. Yang JH, Chouhan DK, Oh KJ. Arthroscopy. 2010 Nov;26(11):1556-61.

A computed tomography-based analysis of proximal femoral geometry for lateral impingement with two types of proximal femoral nail anterotation in subtrochanteric fractures. Tyagi V, Yang JH, Oh KJ. Injury. 2010 Aug;41(8):857-61.

A new mode of clinical failure of porous tantalum rod. Oh KJ, Pandher DS. Indian J Orthop. 2010 Oct;44(4):464-7.


Meta-analysis comparing outcomes of fixed-bearing and mobile-bearing prostheses in total knee arthroplasty. Oh KJ, Pandher DS, Lee SH, Sung Joon SD Jr, Lee ST. J Arthroplasty. 2009 Sep;24(6):873-84.


Proteasome inhibition promotes functional recovery after peripheral nerve reperfusion injury.

Park JW, Kim KM, Oh KJ, Rhyu IJ, Jang HS. J Trauma. 2009 Mar;66(3):743-8.


The effect of postoperative immobilization on short-segment fixation without bone grafting for unstable fractures of thoracolumbar spine. Lee Sh, Pandher D, Yoon K, Lee S, Oh KJ.

Indian J Orthop. 2009 Apr;43(2):197-204.


Three-level anterior cervical discectomy and fusion in elderly patients with wedge shaped tricortical autologous graft: A consecutive prospective series. Lee SH,

Oh KJ, Yoon KS, Lee ST, Pandher DS. Indian J Orthop. 2008 Oct;42(4):460-5.


Effects of a p38 MAP kinase inhibitor on bone ingrowth and tissue differentiation in rabbit chambers.

Goodman SB, Ma T, Spanogle J, Chiu R, Miyanishi K, Oh K, Plouhar P, Wadsworth S, Smith RL.

J Biomed Mater Res A. 2007 May;81(2):310-6.


Arthroscopic management of acute painful hip following occult subluxation: evidence-based case report. Oh KJ, Pandher DS, Lee SH. Knee Surg Sports Traumatol Arthrosc. 2007 Mar 17



Effects of local infusion of OP-1 on particle – induced and NSAID-induces inhibition of bone ingrowth in vivo Ma T, Nelson ER, Mawatari T, Oh KJ, Larson DM, Smith RL. Goodman SB

J Biomed Master Res A, vol 79, No 3, December 2006, p740~746


Revision total hip arthroplasty in juvenile chronic arthritis 17 revisions in 11 patients followed 4~12 years

Stuart B Goodman , Kwang jun Oh, Susana Imrie, Katherine Hwang, Mychelle Shegog

Acta Orthopaedica vol 77, No 2, April 2006 ,p 242~250


Total Hip Arthroplasty Using the Miniature Anatomic Medullary Locking Stem

Kwang-Jun Oh,MD.PhD, Susana Imrie, PT, Kathy Hwang MS, Ravi Ramachandran, BA, Mychelle Shegog, MD, and Stuart B.Goodman, MD, PhD Clin Orthop Relat Res, 2006 Jan, No 447, p 85~91


Triceps-Sparing Posterior Approach for Intra-articular Fracture of Distal Humerous

Suk-ha Lee,MD, Sung –Tae Lee,MD, Jin-Young Park, MD, Jung-Sup keum, MD,  Jong-Ryun Baek, MD, Kwang-Jun Oh, MD J Korean Feacture Society vol 19, No 1, Jan 2006, p51~55


In Vivo Effect of Intra-Tendinous Thermal Shrinkage on the Rabbit Patellar Tendon

In-Jung Chae, Sang-Bum Kim, Suk-Ha Lee, Kwang-Jun Oh, J Korean Orthop Assoc, 40: 566-574, 2005


Electromyographic techniques for lumbar multifidus examination : comparison of previous techniques used to localize multifidus, Byung-Jo Kim, Kim BJ, Date ES, DerbyR, Lee SH, Oh KJ, Kim MJ Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation vol 86, No 7 : 2005


Primary Total Hip Arthroplasty Using Multilock Femoral Stem in Non-traumatic Osteonecrosis of the Femoral Head - A Comparison of under 50 and over 50 years old – Jong Ryoon Baek, Sang Won Park, Kwang Jun Oh, Jong Won Chung, Hyung Joon Cho Korean Hip Soc, 17: 106-112, 2005


Radiologic Result of Treatment of Intertrochanteric Fracture Using Compression Hip Screw - Involvement of Lateral Cortex –Suk-Ha Lee, Sung-Tae Lee, Kwang-Jun Oh, Yong-Bae Kim, Woo-Seung Lee, Ji-Sung Jun, In-Rok Yoo, Jung-Sup Keum J Korean Fracture Soc, 18: 115-119, 2005


Treatment of Fractures of Distal Radius using External Fixator, Sung Tae Lee, Seok Ha Lee, Kwang Jun Oh, Jong In Na, Ji Sung Jun, In Rok Yu, J Korean Fracture Soc, 16: 407-415, 2003


Treatment of Osteoporotic Vertebral Collapses of the Thoracolumbar Spine with Neurologic Deficits using Anterior Approach. Suk-Ha Lee, Young-Bae Kim, Sung-Tae Lee, Taik-Seon Kim, Kwang-Jun Oh,

Jong-In Na, J Kor Soc Spine Surg, 10: 172-179, 2003


Rapid Neuropathy with Titanium Clips  Park JW, Lee Ks, Kim SK, Park JH, Oh KJ, MICROSURGERY  vol 22, No 8  p 386~390 : 2002


Interface Stability on In sufficient Coverage of Non-cemented Acetabular Cup with Screw Fixations

Sang Won Park,Kyung Jo Woo,Seung Bum Han, Kwang Joon Oh,Seong Dae Joo, J Korean Orthop Assoc, 37: 437-442, 2002


Intraosseous Epidermoid Cyst in the Distal Phalanx – Case Report –

Jong-Woong Park, Kwang-Suk Lee, Sung-Kon Kim, Jung-Ho Park, Joon-Seok Hong, Kwang-Jun Oh, Jin-Hyup Shin, J Korean Soc Surg Hand, 7: 92-94, 2002


Operative Treatment of Perilunar Fracture Dislocation, Jong-Woong Park, Kwang-Suk Lee, Sung-Kon Kim, Jung-Ho Park, Joon-Seok Hong, Kwang-Jun Oh, Jin-Hyup Shin, J Korean Soc Surg Hand, 7: 23-27, 2002


Recurrent Giant Cell Tumor of the Proximal Phalanx – A Case Report –

Kwang-suk Lee, Kwang-Jun Oh, Seung-yong Wang, In-Seok Mun, J Korean Soc Surg Hand, 7: 74-76, 2002


Long-term Results of Limited Intercarpal Arthrodesis Combined with Lunate Excision and Rolled-Tendon Arthroplasty In Advanced Kienböck Disease – Scaphocapitate or Hamatocapitate Arthrodesis –

Kwang-Suk Lee, Kwang-Jun Oh, Woo-Jin Yeo, Hyung-Suk Song, Sung-Joon Park, J Korean Soc Surg Hand, 7: 42-47, 2002


The Angulation as to the Location of the Lag Screw of Compression Hip Screw in the Intertrochanteric Fracture of the Hip , SW Park, KJ Oh, SY Wang, J Korean Fract Soc, 15: 15-20, 2002


Anterior Subcutaneous Transposition for Compressive Ulnar Neuropathy of Elbow joint – Comparison Study of Operation Technique – Kwang-Suk Lee, Kwang-Jun Oh, Seung-Yong Wang, Sung-Jun Park, J Korean Soc Surg Hand, 6: 170-174, 2001


A Clinical Study of Trigger Thumb in Children, Kwang-Suk Lee, Kwang-Jun Oh, Woo-Jin Yeo, In-Seok Mun, J Korean Soc Surg Hand, 6: 108-111:  2001


Endoscopic Carpal Tunnel Release with Transparent Flexible Tube, In-Jung Chae, Jung-Ho Park, Seung-Beom Han, Kwang-Jun Oh, Byung-Taek Lee, The Journal of Korean Arthroscopy Society, 5: 120-123, 2001


The Result of Modified Bankart Operation with Suture Anchor in Traumatic Recurrent Anterior Dislocation of Shoulder Joint. Kwang-Suk Lee, Jung-Dae Seo, Kwang-Jun Oh, Seung-Joon Lee, Seung-Yong Wang, J Korean Fracture Soc, 14: 484-490, 2001


Closed Reduction and Percutaneous Pin fixation of fractures of the forearm in children

-Angulation and Rotational Deformity of Radius and Ulna- Sang- Won Park, M.D. Kwang -Jun Oh, M.D., Sung- dae Joo,M.D., Hung-Sik Kim,M.D, J Korean Orthop Assoc, vol 14, No 3, July, 2001 p 545~553


The Effect of Radiofrequency Energy-Induced Thermal Shrinkage on Anterior Cruciate Ligament -An in Vitro Biomechanical Study Using a Rabbit Model , In Jung Chae, Jung Ho Park, Kwang joon Oh, Woo Jin Yeo, Journal of Korean Knee Society, 13: 42-49, 2001